One of my favorite things about the Big Green Egg is its flexibility. Sure it is a great smoker and is fuel efficient. But it also is a spectacular grill and also a convection oven. That is what sold me on the BGE instead of a traditional offset smoker. When you set the Egg up in the convection oven configuration (plate setter legs down), it is the perfect "wood fired brick oven" for cooking pizza.
These pictures were taken tonight after our 10 y/o son's football game, so excuse the darkness. We ate at 9pm. In this picture, the "plate setter" is the three legged ceramic stand that the pizza stone is sitting upon. With everything preheated to 500f, I placed the pizza dough in for 3 minutes and then topped with a jar sauce and fresh chopped basil.

Then we added Canadian bacon, handfuls of fresh shredded Mozzarella cheese, and more basil and Canadian bacon. It's all about the layers! Don't you just love the glow of the natural wood charcoal burning below?

The high temps bouncing off of the ceramic cooker make quick work of the toppings. It only takes about 10 minutes to get from here.....

To here....

Plated pictures? Did I mention it was 9pm when we ate?