For me, I can remember smelling my mother's home made bread baking while I played in the front yard. Her bread was one of my favorite foods. She didn't make it all the time but when she did, it was a treat for me. I'd rather have fresh home made bread than cake.
I have enjoyed watching Alexis learning to use her Big Green Egg these past few weeks but I am going to have to up my work outs! She has been baking up a storm of rolls, loaves, and other treats, all by using the power of fire.
She did this one by following this recipe for Country White Bread and then baking it on her Egg at the prescribed cook times.

The stoneware style loaf pans work exceptionally well in live fire baking.

It smelled so good it was hard to let it rest for a few minutes.

The greatest thing since...... um sliced bread.