Here are some quick photos from last night's tailgate party. The real fun starts about 1 hour from now.

Just one of the many rows of Eggs that will be fired up today. They're all over the place, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Big Green Egg. (In part because they have a "no swinging dead cats" policy here.)
The food line was much longer than the beer line.
Several of the competition teams cooked dinner for the crowd.
The Dizzy Pig crew.
The XL Egg isn't a part of the band.....I think.
Alexis with a Sweetwater ale.
Shortly thereafter, she is signing a "if you crash the car into the wall I won't sue you" waiver before taking a ride around Atlanta Motor Speedway in a pace car.
Alexis going 121 mph.
Alexis and her driver.
It was a fun night. I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of people, exchanging some ideas, stealing some recipes, and sampling some great food today.