As I mentioned on Friday, we went to visit my folks at their camp site in Cades Cove over the weekend. While most folks settle for sandwiches, burgers, or dogs while camping, my mom is the bad ass Iron Chef of the camp site. Here's a little bit of what we had.

Friday night we had beef pot roast with carrots & potatoes, green beans, & garlic bread.

We made s'mores for dessert after the kids roasted marshmallows over the campfire with Grandpa.

Breakfast Saturday morning was
stick biscuits. Click the link for great directions, but basically they are biscuits cooked over a camp fire on the end of a dowel rod. When done, you pull it off the rod and have a "biscuit cup" in which you can put a sausage link, honey, jelly, or whatever.
For lunch, we had two 12" dutch ovens, a Coleman camp oven, and a skillet at our disposal and we all pitched in to kick some camp food butt.

Spatchcocked chicken

Alexis made
Smoky Mountain Cafe's Summer Corn
The chicken was so perfectly done, it about fell apart as I tried to take it out.

Being a good southern girl, Grandma couldn't let that rendered chicken go to waste and made a delicious gravy.

Alexis and Grandma follow our "no gravy is left behind" policy...

Trev enjoyed a soft serve from the campground store

and there was watermelon, of course

But the ultimate had to be the cherry/blueberry cobbler that my mom made using blueberries that came from White Lake, NC.

I don't do sweets and RARELY eat dessert, but damn this was good. After seeing what my mother can do with a dutch oven the past few years.....I would hate to see what she could do with a Big Green Egg.