Saturday, February 21, 2015

East Tennessee Blogger Party – 2015

Here is the first official announcement for this year's Blogger Party on the lake:
Greetings fellow bloggers!
We are happy to announce that the 6th rendition of our annual blogger party will be held at Almost Heaven South during Memorial Day Weekend.  Larry (Big Dude's Eclectic Ramblings) and I still have the final details to work out but wanted to tell you the possible dates (most likely May 24) in hopes you would pencil it in on your calendar.  We would appreciate if you would mention it on your blogs as well so more people will be aware of the event. 
Date: Memorial Day Weekend (popular recommendation from last year’s attendees)
Time: TBD
Place: Almost Heaven South in Greenback, TN
Theme: Tapas Party (another popular recommendation from last years attendees)
Many of you have expressed a desire to come in the past so why not make this your year – before Larry "gets too old" to host them.
More details will follow in March.
We have had a great time every year and hope that you can join us this year.