Saturday, June 28, 2014

Event Announcement: Porkopolis - Eggfest in Cincinnati

One of the things unique to the Big Green Egg subculture is the "Eggfests" that Eggheads have.

There is the big Eggtoberfest hosted in Atlanta by the company but there are smaller regional Eggfests throughout the year that actually have more fun. Eggfests are a celebration of our love of cooking on the Big Green Egg kamado grill. 

The typical Eggfest works like this.
  • Friday night pre-party -  We can't talk about this, oaths have been sworn and pacts made.
  • Saturday morning - a group of volunteer Eggheads show up to cook on brand new Big Green Eggs supplied by a local distributor.  These cooks are unpaid and they pay for all of the food they are cooking.  It's not a competition (well, officially) rather it is one huge demonstration cook.  So every Eggchef brings his or her favorite recipe to show off their skills.
  • Late Saturday morning through afternoon - Sampling.  The next group of people ("Tasters") show up and get to eat all of this wonderful food made by the cooks.  You walk around finding out who is cooking what and more importantly, when they expect it to be done so you can be there when the food comes out.  In the mean time, there is lots of entertainment, socializing, and maybe an adult beverage or three.
  • Demo Egg Sale - These Eggs that have been used just once are now cleaned up and sold on site for a greatly reduced price, still covered under warranty.  
  • Saturday After-Party -  More pleading the 5th.  Or was that drinking a fifth?  
Eggfests are a great event to check out if you are even thinking about buying an Egg.  You get to see them in action first hand, talk to volunteer Eggsperts about how to use them, and even buy one on sale if you wish.

Like I said, they are all over the country (Full List here) but in just two weeks from today, I will be attending Porkopolis in Cincinnati, OH.  If you have a copy of my book, The Kamado Smoker and Grill Cookbook, bring it and I'll sign it for you. 

If you are in that region, come on down and check it out. The last time I checked they still have Taster Tickets available.  You don't have to have an Egg, in fact, these are especially great for people who don't.  You'll taste some amazing food, meet some friendly people, and if you aren't careful, you might just become an Egghead yourself!