I am thrilled about my August Giveaway because it is my best one yet.
Just in time for Labor Day and leading into the holidays, Masterbuilt is sponsoring the giveaway of their 30" Electric Digital Smoker, that's a $299 value!

First, a little bit about Masterbuilt. They are a second generation, family owned company that has been making quality smoking, grilling, and frying equipment since 1973. You can find their products at major retailers such as Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, and Gander Mountain. They also make cargo, bike carriers, and other hitch mounted accessories.
Here is what I like about the Masterbuilt Electrical Digital Smoker:
- The Masterbuilt Electric Digital Smoker is a great fit for most of my readers who like bbq but are intimidated about the thought of firing up a big smoker. If you can use an oven you can use this smoker, it's electronically controlled with a digital keypad.
- This would be a nice addition even if you already have a grill (or like me, have a Big Green Egg, an offset smoker, and a grill).
- Even though it doesn't take up a lot of space, it has 4 racks of capacity so you can cook an entire meal on it like Don McLemore does in this video (skip to the 5 minute mark if you just want to see the unit in action)
- It has a temperature range of 100-275f so you can not only do the typical low and slow bbq of ribs, butts, brisket and chicken, you can also do some cold smoking like cheese, spices, and salmon by adding ice to the water pan.
- It has a water pan for keeping the cooking chamber moist during cooking.
- The drip pan is removable for easy cleaning.
- It has a remote probe meat thermometer that is integrated with the control pad so you can tell the meat temps without opening and closing the smoker.
- It has a window so you can see how things are cooking without opening and closing the smoker.
- You can refill the wood chips from the side access chute without opening and closing the smoker. (Seeing a patten here? Well designed.)
Giveaway Entry and Rules Info
- To enter, visit the Masterbuilt website and check out their Recipes page. Then leave a comment below telling me "If I win this smoker, the first thing I will make is....." (NOTE: If you use the "anonymous comment" option, be sure to leave an email or your screen name in the comment so I can contact you if you are the winner. Something like "EggerinFL from the Egg Forum" or "swibirun from the BBQ Brethren forum" is enough.)
- One entry per person.
- Giveaway entry period begins Friday August 13th and ends Sunday August 22nd, 2010 at 11:59pm. Drawing will be held Monday, August 23rd, 2010 at 7:oopm (All times are Eastern Time zone).
- Comments will be numbered by order received and random.org will generate a random number for the winner.
- Limited to Continental US unless you wish to pay the extra shipping charges.
- I am the final judge regarding any discrepancies, interpretations, grievances, etc about this drawing.
- Winner must respond and claim the prize within one week of the winning announcement. If a winner does not claim the prize during the specified time, a reserve winner will be drawn from the original entries.